GCBT is a non-profit volunteer group promoting recreational bicycling.
Check the calendar below for rides.
We run a full slate of day and weekend rides from April through October. Our rides range in distance from 40 to 100 km, and each ride is organized by a club volunteer. We all start together, but you set your own pace, and you'll always find another club member to ride with. Turn-by-turn navigation is provided for your smartphone or Garmin using Ride With GPS. Cue sheets and and ride maps are available by email upon request and helmets are mandatory. Come join us for scenic routes, quiet roads and great companionship. Membership is $40.
Look at the top of the screen for the cart to check out.
Calendar(click and scroll for more dates)
GCBT Ride Collections
Ride collections is a new feature of our club Ride With GPS account that allow us to group like rides together. You can easily access rides in different areas, gravel rides etc. Just click on a collection to open it.
While viewing the collection, you will see all the items added on the map.
Click on the individual rides/routes on the map tt o get quick details
Click View Route to open the full view and metrics for the route.
We will continue to add more of our routes to collections. It is a work in progress. Just click the button below to link to our collections.

Great Canadian Bicycle Tours
President: Rick Gurton, president@gcbt.org
Treasurer: Catherine Kwiecien, treasurer@gcbt.org
V.P. Admin/Membership: Peter Tesche, admin@gcbt.org
V.P. Marketing: Heather Caron, marketing@gcbt.org
Director of Touring: Mark Brown, touring@gcbt.org
Secretary: Heather Caron, secretary@gcbt.org
c/o GCBT Rick Gurton
185 Blackwell Drive
Kitchener, ON, N2N 2S2